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You’ve probably seen the sick dunks that Jordan Kilganon threw during the All-Star Game…
He literally got NBA stars jumping out of their seats when they saw the crazy dunks he was putting down.
But does Bounce Kit, his vertical jump training program, live up to the reputation of “the dude who dunked in jeans“?
Will you be able to rock the rim with your own versions of Jordan Kilganon’s amazing dunks once you complete the 12-week program?
Read on and you’ll find out what Bounce Kit is really all about.
Why Bounce Kit?

At 50 inches, Jordan Kilganon’s vertical jump is nothing short of staggering, and he has been a household name in the dunking community for a while now.
After his epic dunk performance at the 2016 NBA All-Star Game, he became a huge celebrity and is now considered by many to be the #1 dunker of this era.
This meant that his vertical jump training program got a huge buzz, and now many people ask if it can teach them the secrets that gave Kilganon his incredible 50-inch vertical.
So instead of relying on speculation online, I decided to go through the program in detail and provide you with a complete picture of whether or not Bounce Kit can compete with some of the more established vertical jump programs of today.
Initial Impressions
After logging into the online member’s area, you are immediately greeted by a short video where Jordan Kilganon thanks you for becoming part of the program and stresses the importance of going through it as a whole.
Other than that, the video doesn’t provide any useful information and some of the words are mumbled and difficult to understand.

When you go to the “Before Starting” page, you are given some basic instructions, such as to go through the program chronologically, practicing safe weightlifting habits, landing softly on your jumps, and correct breathing techniques.
In the next section, called “Notes“, you are provided with a basic overview of the terms used in the workout charts, followed by some additional suggestions on how to reap the most benefits from the program.
Basically, you get the bare-bones information that would allow you to start working out, which might not seem so bad when you’re eager to get started, but can just as easily hinder your process later.
Other than that, you will find the “Program” page where you can download three PDF files of the three parts of the program, each of which covers four weeks of training.
On a separate section, you will find the training videos categorized by type, which is quite convenient, considering how many of them you’ll have to do.

The Bonus section contains a list of 8 tips for jumping higher, but it offers little to no value.
You could find dozens of these kinds of articles for free online, so it’s difficult to call this a bonus page, especially when you compare it to the tremendous bonuses of programs such as Jacob Hiller’s Jump Manual or Adam Folker’s Vert Shock.
I wanted to give you a complete picture of what you’ll get when purchasing Bounce Kit because I don’t want you to go in expecting anything more than it is, which is, in my opinion, the absolute minimum for a full vertical leap training program.
Jordan Kilganon
As mentioned before, Jordan Kilganon has taken the vertical leap world by storm with his electrifying performances where he seemingly defies gravity while performing some of the most unique and difficult dunks ever recorded.
He has become an internet sensation and is now a professional dunker that appears at the biggest stages of the world, including the NBA All-Star Game.
For those who’ve already forgotten, here’s a reminder of what happened that day:
Seeing his incredible resume, one would think that this is the perfect guy to learn the secrets of jumping higher from, right?
Well, unfortunately, it’s not that simple.
While his results are indisputable, simply having an incredible vertical doesn’t automatically make Jordan a good vertical leap trainer.
…especially when you consider the fact that he doesn’t have any professional certification or license to be a trainer.
Because of this, he can’t be completely trusted, not only in terms of effectiveness, but the safety of his methods as well.
However, just because he’s not a professional trainer doesn’t automatically disqualify him from creating an effective program.
So, to find out if he has something to offer, we have to carefully examine how the principles of Bounce Kit stack up against some of the more prominent vertical jump programs available on the market.
What Is Bounce Kit?
Bounce Kit is a vertical jump training program that promises to dramatically increase your bounce in three months.
It uses a wide range of exercises, including a variety of strength training exercises that make use of heavy weights, extensive core training, plyometrics, as well as power training.
While this diversity may seem good on paper, the actual program doesn’t explain the reason behind this specific training approach, and thus some of the exercise choices and their layout can be questionable.
The program is divided into three phases, gradually moving from a focus on strength training to a more plyometric and explosive approach.
Bounce Kit Phase 1 (Weeks 1-4)
During the first four weeks of training, you will be mainly working with strength training exercises designed to increase your muscle strength and lay the foundation for the explosiveness training to follow.
You will train five days per week, with two days of active-rest in between workout days.

The phase is split into three separate workout days:
- Upper Body & Core
- Jumping & Core
- Heavy Legs
The ‘Heavy Legs’ is workouts with up to six reps at near max capacity.
Generally, the exercises aren’t anything revolutionary, and you will be mostly doing classic exercises such as squats and deadlifts, with some variations.
The number of reps for the jumping exercises is quite ordinary and simple to say the least.
There’s little scientific basis behind the way this phase is built and the program itself doesn’t provide any justification either.
Bounce Kit Phase 2 (Weeks 5-8)
In the next phase, the program shifts a bit more towards explosiveness and away from strength training, although it still remains an integral part of the workouts.
You will train 4-5 times per week and will once again have three different workouts with active-rest days in between.
The ‘Upper Body’ and ‘Jumping & Core’ workouts remain similar, but the ‘Heavy Legs’ is replaced by a moderate-to-heavy leg workout, which mostly requires you to train in the 60-70% range of your 1 rep max.
Some power exercises are introduced in this phase which are supposed to work on your explosiveness and strength.
The number of jumping exercises increases significantly, which marks a shift from a strictly strength-based approach to a more applicable jump oriented phase.
Bounce Kit Phase 3 (Weeks 9-12)
The final phase of the program is meant to build on the mass and strength gains achieved during the first eight weeks and shift the focus even more towards plyometrics training and explosiveness.
The number of training days is reduced to four per week and the leg workouts now only use around 50% of your 1 rep max, which means that your muscles will train for explosiveness more than for strength.
The jumping workouts are expanded to include even more plyometric exercises.
The Principles Behind the Program
Bounce Kit is clearly designed to emphasize strength training in the first four weeks, to a completely opposite approach in the final four weeks.
The number of reps and loads is slowly decreased to allow your muscles to convert the strength gains into explosive strength.
A lot of attention is given to upper body and core strength, two major components to a strong vertical jump.
The problem is, there’s absolutely no mention of form, without which, the added strength and explosiveness is far less effective, if not useless.
Bounce Kit Pros
Here are some of the most important pros and cons of Bounce Kit:
Great Demonstration
You can really understand each exercise, as Jordan goes into detail explaining exactly how your body should be moving.
The videos do a terrific job of making the exercise very clear in a short amount of time, hitting on all the key points of each exercise.

Conveniently Sorted Videos
The videos are conveniently sorted by exercise type, and this makes it easier to navigate since there are a lot of them.
Covers All The Bases
The program is extensive in a sense that it has a bit of everything…
You will find a wide range of strength exercises for your lower body, as well as some effective plyometrics/explosive exercises.
Attention is also given to strengthening the core, which is an important part of jumping higher.
Can be Effective
While there may be obvious flaws and very little information about the program’s principles, the idea behind the exercises is correct and is not far-fetched like some other programs or gimmicks (Air Alert 4, plyometric shoes, etc..).
This means that if you’d push through the program and put in the work, you would likely see positive results.
However, there are much better programs available that have a proven track record, such as Vert Shock and The Jump Manual.
Facebook Community
Another benefit of Bounce Kit is the option to share your experiences about the program on the Facebook Group.
This can be helpful if you have questions or want to share your progress.
Right now there are over 400 members in the group, and it might be able to cover for some of the program’s shortcomings by providing some support.
Bounce Kit Cons
Too Complex
You’ll be spending a lot of time measuring things like your 1 rep max, making on-the-spot decisions of how many reps to make, and more.
There isn’t a clear-cut plan that you can use, and there’s a lot of decision making on your part.
If you know what you’re doing, it can be a positive thing, but for many less experienced jumpers, this might hinder results or even be dangerous.
Little to No Info
When it comes to teaching you the science behind optimal vertical jump performance, Bounce Kit fails miserably.
While there are literally dozens of different exercises in it, the program itself is little more than a few vague statements, an introduction video, and the exercises themselves.
You will not know why you’re doing what you’re doing, and considering how randomly some of the exercises seem to be arranged, you might have a hard time going through the entire three months.
This is quite the opposite of programs like BoingVert (which I recently reviewed) and The Jump Manual which don’t just give you a set of workouts to follow, but also teach you a whole lot of the science and principles on the way.
Lack of Clear Vision
One of the biggest shortcomings of the program is the fact that it lacks any real direction…
There are many exercises and you’ll definitely be busy doing the program, but when it comes to generating max results, this isn’t necessarily a plus.
You’ll be working hard just to get through the grueling workouts, and many of the exercises seem excessive.
If you’re looking for a program that does a great job of clearly outlining everything that goes into vertical jumping, and then distilling that info into a concise program, you may want to checkout The Jump Manual by Jacob Hiller.
Limited Credibility
Jordan Kilganon is a professional dunker that has reached star status for his numerous performances, including the famous “guy in jeans” dunks at the NBA All-Star Game…
But that’s just about where his authority ends.
While he’s a freak dunker for sure, he is NOT a certified trainer, and that means that you have to take his advice with a grain of salt.
And, when you consider that there’s really no explanation for why the program is structured the way it is, you start to seriously reconsider if it’s worth the vigorous three-month training that it requires.
You won’t find any info on proper jumping form or other important aspects such as balance, technique etc..
If you don’t count the few sentences here and there, and the introductory video, there’s literally just the workout charts and the exercise videos for you to work off of.
This makes Bounce Kit look more like a workout routine at best, and not a complete program that can help you realize your dream of dunking.
Not Worth the Investment
When you compare the $77 price with some of the more established programs like Jump Manual or Vert Shock, it’s easy to see that Bounce Kit is not worth the investment.
There are programs that will offer a much more sound approach and some kickass bonuses for the same price or even less.
Requires A Gym
Bounce Kit makes an extensive use of a gym, and you will need to spend a lot of time, often at least 2-3 sessions per week, to keep up with the program.
For someone who has limited resources this can be a huge deal breaker.
For those that don’t have access to a gym and equipment, a much better alternative is Vert Shock by professional basketball player and certified trainer Adam Folker, which doesn’t require any equipment and can be done anywhere, even in your garage.
Take a look at my results with it and see for yourself.
Time Consuming
As you start getting into the program, you will quickly notice how time-consuming it is.
You’ll be doing anywhere from six to as much as ten exercises during each session.
That means that sometimes you’ll need 2 hours to complete all the sets and reps.
Few people have that much time, especially when it’s not even clear if all the exercises are necessary.
If you’re looking for a more efficient program, the aforementioned Vert Shock does a great job of condensing everything into the essentials for max performance, which means that you can get through a workout in an hour or less.
Bounce Kit is a program that could have a lot to offer, but it falls short in too many key areas to be considered a viable opponent.
It almost seems as if the program is a “work in progress” rather than a finished product.
There’s very little information, the presentation is lacking in most areas, and you get the bare-bones version of a program that seems to still need at least a few updates until it can be taken more seriously.
For now, Bounce Kit can bring results if you’re able to stick with it and figure some stuff out on your own.
But when you have better alternatives lying around, it becomes a question of why would you bother (?!), when for the same price you can get something else that’s been tried and tested by thousands of athletes with huge success.
- Performance
- Price
- Ease of use
Bounce Kit is a vertical jump training program developed by professional dunker and YouTube celebrity Jordan Kilganon.
With millions of views all across the world, Jordan has become an internet sensation by showcasing a monstrous 50+ inch vertical and dunks that truly defy gravity.
However, while Jordan is a phenomenal dunker, unfortunately, his program doesn’t live up to his name and falls short in key important areas.
While the program can be effective, the lack of information in it and the slimness of it, leave it way behind other established alternatives such as Vert Shock or The Jump Manual.

Born and raised in sunny Florida, Jesse Parker grew up spending most of his days outdoors playing hoops and honing his basketball skills. He has a huge love for the game and is always striving to get better at it. His latest obsession is the subject of vertical jumping and dunking.