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After publishing my Jump Manual review, I started getting lots of question from people asking me how the manual works and if Jacob Hiller’s program is really legit and worthy.
Therefore, I decided to tell you my story and describe to you the process I went through using it.
But before that, here’s some raw footage of Coach Hiller doing his thing, basically abusing the rim.
Jacob Hiller Vertical Jump
As you can see, the guy not only talks the talk, but he actually walks the talk too.
And how do you think he’s able to do that?
This is all a result of the training practices he preaches inside The Jump Manual.
With that out of the way, let me break down how the 12-week program has went for me.
My Story
One of the things I always struggled with when playing ball is my height.
At 6 feet, which is not really tall for basketball, I had a hard time competing with guys taller than me.
By the time I understood the importance of height and its impact on the game, it was already too late. I was 20+ and I had already finished growing (physically).
Even when I played with guys at my height I couldn’t say I was anything special.
Getting stuck at 6 feet and playing against guys who average 4-5 inches taller than you sucks.
Whenever I played with taller guys, I wasn’t as confident and secure. I was more afraid to make a move or go for a layup because I could easily get blocked.
I figured I’m on a serious disadvantage here and I knew something had to be done, so I decided to use the only weapon against height I’ve got left – to increase my vertical.
And so, my quest for increasing my vertical was born.

I spoke to people about it…
Many were saying that jumping higher is all genetics and there’s not much you could do about it.
Some people were saying I just need to spend time in the gym and squat heavy.
Some were saying that I need to put in the reps and jump thousands of times every day.
I got all sorts of advice.
As a matter of fact, I tried some of these methods, and they did increase my vertical a bit, but it was minimal and it wasn’t going to take me to the rim.
Then I started researching online for professional advice.
And you know what the problem is?
There’s so much false information from inexperienced coaches and trainers, and bad advice from old programs that don’t fit today’s standards.
But after a while I stumbled upon Jacob Hiller Jump Manual, and it didn’t take long for me to decide that I’m gonna try it.
Now I’m not an easy guy to convince, but coach Hiller’s program was guaranteeing 10 inches or I’ll get my money back, so I figured I’ve got nothing to lose here and went on and purchased it.
Let The Training Begin

When I started the program, I was surprised because the exercises and the workouts themselves were very different from what I was used to.
It was very hard at the beginning, and I was a bit discouraged because I’ve never seen anyone train this way before.
I started to doubt the program’s methodology, but luckily it didn’t take long for the results to kick in.
In just two weeks I increased two inches in my vertical, and all the doubts I had about this program up until that moment disappeared.
Suddenly I was able to grab the rim.
At that moment I knew this program was for real, and that Jacob was the real deal.
The First Meeting with A 10 Foot Rim
Over time, I gradually added more inches to my vertical, and then what I wished for has finally happened…
Do you realize?! MY FIRST DUNK EVER!

At the age of 30, I was dunking for the first time in my life!
It was kind of a lame dunk actually where the ball would just barely go through the rim.
Nevertheless, it was still a dunk.
Words cannot describe how I felt at that moment.
It was sensational!
I was pumped up.
I felt powerful.
I felt like I was reborn.
It was simply amazing. I’ll never forget that day.
After my brief encounter with the rim, I was so motivated and enthusiastic I switched to a high gear. I began to work even harder and more intensely with the program.
All of a sudden it was not so rare to see me dunk. I started dunking more frequently.
First the dunks were only one-handed, but then it was also two-handed.
I started wondering with myself if I could also replicate these dunks while in a game.
I stopped playing basketball at some point because the program demanded it, so this question has really bothered me.
So after three months on the program, I went to the gym to play with my friends.
This was the first time I went to play after a few months break.
I haven’t told anyone I was working on my vertical, so it was kind of a secret.
Even though no one expected anything from me, I was very nervous because it’s been a couple months since the last time I played, and I wanted to see if I can translate what I was doing on practice to a real time game.
Therefore, this was the moment of truth for me.
So we started playing, I got warm, I started taking some rebounds and made a few moves, and then guess what happened…

You should have seen their faces when it happened.
They were shocked!
They were absolutely stunned!
And me?
I couldn’t stop smiling 🙂
Everyone came to me to pat on my back and started asking questions…
“How’d you do it?”
“Since when can you dunk?”
They’ve never seen me dunk before.
For all they could remember, I was barely reaching the rim.
Now all of a sudden I’m dunking on their face, they just couldn’t believe it!
Anyway I just wanted to keep playing to test myself some more.
So we kept playing, and I got 3 more more dunks that got everyone’s attention.
My teammates passed me the ball so many times as if I was the go to guy.
I was getting a lot more rebounds and I was blocking a lot of shots as well.
Everyone were super ecstatic about it.
Overall, I felt like I dominated that evening with my new found ability to jump, and at that night, my team and I haven’t lost one game.
My friends are now looking at me very differently. They have much more respect and appreciation to my game.
And since then, I managed to increase my vertical some more.
I also introduced the manual to my friends and they started to increase their vertical too.
Though I’m not sure giving them my secret weapon was a good idea because now I might get dunked on too.
But you know what?
It just gives me more motivation to keep working harder and increase my vertical even further.
One thing I gotta say though, this program is not easy, and it’ll take quite some time and effort on your part.
But if you REALLY want to jump higher and dunk, then that shouldn’t be a problem.
Wrap Up
To wrap things up, the Jump Manual by Jacob Hiller has proven itself.
So far, I improved my vertical by more than 10 inches, so it has passed the test.
This program will really change the way you trained until today.
You can checkout my results video to see how effective it is.
So, does the Jump Manual work?
It has worked for me, and as long as you don’t have any acute problem that prevents you from jumping, it’ll work for you too.
I sincerely recommend each and every one who seeks to increase his vertical to invest in this program and give it a shot.

Born and raised in sunny Florida, Jesse Parker grew up spending most of his days outdoors playing hoops and honing his basketball skills. He has a huge love for the game and is always striving to get better at it. His latest obsession is the subject of vertical jumping and dunking.